Healthcare Analytics

Solutions to Evidence Based Research

There are many barrier to using evidence-based practice (EBP) in healthcare. From the size of the research to organizational barriers, the task of providing relevant and accessible evidence can seem daunting (Haynes & Haines, 1998). One prominent barrier is the lack of time to evaluate the evidence. On the positive side there are ways to […]

Healthcare Analytics

Population Health

Population healthcare is meeting the healthcare needs for a specific target audience. Similar to what Dr. John Snow did when noticing the number of deaths huddled around a water pump, modern informaticians will need accurate and timely information to make sound analysis (Kraft, Androwich, Mastrain, & McGonigle, 2017, p. 265). If there was a new […]

Healthcare Analytics

Decision Support Systems and Data

The question for the future isn’t how much data you have but what are you going to do with that data. With so much data produced in healthcare, it’s a wonder why the digital revolution in healthcare has never come to fruition. This is the opportunity for Decision Support Systems (DSS) to evolve. DSS help […]